How Many Eggs Do I Have Left?

Egg Quality vs Quantity: What To Know
Have you ever wondered how many eggs you have left and what that means for your fertility? Egg reserves naturally decline over time, but the rate of decline and its impact can vary from person to person. Knowing where you stand can help you make informed decisions about your fertility and family planning.
Whether you’re considering egg freezing, exploring fertility options, or simply want to better understand your reproductive health, this resource provides clarity.
Egg Quantity
You are born with approximately 1 million potential eggs, but this number declines naturally. With each menstrual cycle, roughly 1,000 eggs are lost, even though only one egg is typically ovulated. By age 37, roughly 25,000 eggs remain.
Egg Quality
Egg quality affects your chances of having a healthy pregnancy—when you’re ready. Under the age of 35, eggs are typically healthier, increasing the changes of being fertilized. After 35, the rate of decline accelerates, but egg freezing is still a viable option for many.
How Many Eggs Do I Have Left Calculator?
Chance of Pregnancy per Month
Number of Eggs Remaining: 200,000–250,000
This calculator uses information from:
- Wallace, Kelsey. “Human Ovarian Reserve from Conception to Menopause” (2010).
- ACOG Committee Opinion No. 589, reaffirmed 2022. Female Age-Related Fertility Decline.
- ESHRE (2010) data on ovarian reserve and follicle atresia.
IVF data from ASRM publications and observational studies.
EVOLVE works with patients between 25-39 years of age. If you are over 39, please book with a Care Navigator at our sister clinic, TRIO Fertility.
Understanding the “Biological Clock”
A lot of people feel the pressure of the so-called “biological clock,” but it’s often misunderstood. Fertility isn’t just about how many eggs you have (quantity)—it’s also about how healthy those eggs are (quality). Together, they play a big role in your chances of getting pregnant.
Your fertility isn’t a race against time—it’s a journey. Knowing your ovarian reserve can help you make confident, informed decisions that match your goals. Whether you’re building your career, exploring a new relationship, or just looking for clarity about the future, knowledge is power.
Key things to consider
- Your prime reproductive years are typically in your 20s and early 30s.
- Fertility gradually declines with age, with noticeable changes after 35.
- Options like egg freezing allow you to preserve your fertility and reduce the impact of time.